
We understand that with budget cuts in healthcare, the professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Discharge Planners, Social Workers, Case Workers, and ER staff) have doubled and even sometimes tripled their caseloads. Priority for the healthcare professional is patient care and urgency. Working with Connections4Recovery will help and assist you and your patients. We have streamlined the process for you. If you have a patient looking for treatment, whether it be for Detox, Substance Abuse and/or Mental health, you make the initial call to our admissions and one of our skilled Placement Coordinators will do the rest, making it easier for you to handle your heavy caseloads.
In some cases, we have your patients in treatment within hours, even if the facility is out of state. We will also handle all the details with your patients and their family’s. If for any reason we cannot accept one of your patients, we will try through our resources to find an appropriate facility for them. Our Management team is very knowledgeable and experienced in working with some of the top Healthcare Intuitions and professionals in the country.

If you are an outpatient treatment provider and you feel your patient will need a more intensive higher level of care the case manager and primary therapist will set up aftercare with you. You will also be kept involved every step of the way on your patients treatment episode with the patients consent under HIPAA guidelines.

The management team at Connections4Recovery has worked with some of the biggest EAP and unions in the country. If you are an EAP, HR Professional, or an Employer or Representative, we will also assist in making sure your employee receives the highest level of care to ensure that when they return to work they are physically and mentally able to perform their job to the fullest.


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