Reach Out!

Slide1August 31, 2014 National Overdose Awareness Day



We as people who are trying to rescue those struggling with the disease of addiction and help them to get the help they need can not have a bad day at work. Sometimes we are the first voice that a loved one will hear to help understand how the person they care about could choose the life of an addict. In most instances we are the people that are being called upon by those in crisis. For us to have a bad day at work is not an option. Someones life can literally depend on you. We as helpers have to remember why we have chose this work. Either we have been there or we have witnessed someone we love struggling with this terrible disease. Too many lives are being lost everyday due to addiction. They say addiction does not discriminate. I have to believe that to be true. I have put hundreds of people in treatment from celebrities, professional athletes, Dr’s, Lawyers, and yes, the kid under the bridge shooting dope. Too many of our kids are dying. As a parent it breaks my heart every time i see a young kid dying from an overdose. I have to speak to these parents on a regular basis when there child passes away. Most of the time we have actually spoken to them and they were just resistant to go to treatment. Even though we did not rescue these people we are getting a call to hear thank you for everything you did. Heartbreaking. I consider myself to be a real life person and not follow stats but sometimes that is the only way we have to track data. 70% percent of people that are struggling with addiction don’t know where to find help. That is an incredible number. If you know someone who is struggling reach out to them. Nobody wants to live the life of an addict or alcoholic. They just don’t know how to stop. They need support and help from this disease. This is not a choice. I know, i was there long time ago. I am bias i guess because i am the owner of a treatment referral service but treatment is usually the way to give someone the best chance. Whatever works. If you go to going to meetings, or reaching out to your higher power if it saves your life AMEN. Well for everyone who works in the field of addiction i am not telling you anything. To the people who are in crisis reach out. Everyone was given this life and life is short. Get the help you need. You can be transformed and start a new beginning.

Be well,

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